Building Resilience

How can you become more resilient? Eureka discusses.

Building Resilience

I went to a talk given by MIND (a UK mental health charity) recently and the two speakers made several really interesting points.  So I thought it was time to put a few ideas down on paper.

Although some people are naturally more resilient than others, resilience can also be learned, according to Sam Goldstein, Ph.D., co-author of The Power of Resilience.

How can you become more resilient? Here are 10 ways to build resilience.

1. Develop a strong sense of purpose

Resilient people have a strong sense of purpose and meaning for why they are doing what they’re doing. They are guided by a vision that gives meaning to their work and lives.

2. Develop a healthy sense of control

The emphasis is on “personal control”. Resilient people focus their energy on those events that they have influence over, rather than situations beyond their control. They accept circumstances that cannot be changed and move on.

3. See change as a challenge or opportunity

Resilient people tend to see change as a challenge to confront and overcome, rather than an unbearable problem or a stress to avoid. They also see change as an opportunity for self-reflection, learning and growth.

4. Develop self-confidence

Resilient people have a healthy concept of self. They believe in themselves and their strength and ability.

5. Be optimistic

Maintain a hopeful outlook, expecting good things to happen. People with an optimistic outlook do better at managing stress and chaos. When you catch your inner chatterbox talking negatively, challenge yourself to reframe the situation more positively.

6. Build good social support

Resilient people rely on others to help them survive tough times. Developing a good social support network of friends and family can help lessen the impact of stress in our lives.

7. Become flexible and adaptable

Resilient people are able to adapt to new people and situations quickly. They can let go of the old way of doing things and quickly learn new procedures and skills. They can also tolerate high levels of ambiguity and uncertainty in situations.

8. Use sound problem-solving strategies

Resilient people use their logical and creative mind to map out sound problem-solving strategies. They set realistic goals and outline a specific plan of action.

9. Have a good sense of humour

Research shows that humour can lessen the impact of stress. Resilient people are playful and curious. They find the humour in rough or tough situations, and can laugh at themselves.

10. Stay healthy

A good diet and regular physical activity helps alleviate stress. Resilient people take care of their body and mind. They exercise regularly, take time for relaxing activities, and maintain a balance in their lives.

We can never prevent challenges from coming our way, life is just not like that. However, making a plan and using the tips above will help you prepare mentally for whatever comes does come your way – whether taking on an increased workload, having your pay cut, or being laid off. Resilience will not only help you survive, but thrive, in the workplace.